MINE!: A Celebration of Liberty and Freedom for All Benefiting Planned Parenthood

Binding: Paperback
List Price: $31.99
Our Price: $7.15 CAD
Qty Avail: 1

ISBN: 9781939888655
Publisher: Comicmix
Language: English
Page Count: 304
Publication Date: 2/6/2018
Size: 10.25" l x 6.75" w x 0.60
Series: N/A

Planned Parenthood, and the millions of people they help each year, need every bit of help they can get. Mine! is a comics anthology with the proceeds going to Planned Parenthood. Join Eisner, Harvey, Oscar, and Emmy award winning creators for stories about trailblazing women, civil rights leaders, a person's first time going to a PP clinic, debunking myths about sex, STI screenings, HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention, fantastical stories with superheroes, Greek mythology, and a future both with and without Planned Parenthood.

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