All the Women of the Bible

Binding: Hardcover
List Price: $25.99
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ISBN: 9780785818960
Publisher: Castle Books
Language: English
Page Count: 425
Publication Date: 7/1/2004
Size: 9.36" l x 6.40" w x 1.56"
Series: N/A

Who was she? What did she do? How was her life changed by the Lord? Have you ever asked yourself these questions in relation to Biblical women? Many times we recognize their names - Naomi, Ruth, Sara, Delilah, Jezebel, to name a few - but we can't quite recall their story. And the thought of trying to pinpoint one name out of the many in the Bible, with not a clue where to look, well, it can be quite daunting. All the Women of the Bible can answer all of your questions with the simple turn of a page. It is not only comprehensive and in-depth, but also easy to follow and truly entertaining.

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