Legend Of The Chinese Dragon


Binding: Hardcover
List Price: $20.99
Our Price: $4.39 CAD
Qty Avail: 2

ISBN: 9780735821521
Publisher: North-South Books
Language: English
Page Count: 0
Publication Date: 1/1/2007
Size: 11.37" l x 5.91" w x 0.65
Series: N/A

In ancient China, the different tribes lived under the protection of benevolent spirits that took the form of animals - fish, ox, bird, horse, and serpent. But, as often happens, the tribes grew envious of each other and began to fight amongst themselves in the names of their spirits. The children decided to declare a war on war by creating a creature that combined the best of all the spirits and would protect all the people. To this day, the dragon is a symbol of peace and plays an especially important role in the celebration of the Chinese New Year. This timely message of cooperation and empowerment makes this book very appealing.

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