The China Mirage: The Hidden History of American Disaster in Asia

Binding: Paperback
List Price: $29.99
Our Price: $5.85 CAD
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ISBN: 9780316196680
Publisher: Back Bay Books
Language: English
Page Count: 417
Publication Date: 5/3/2016
Size: 8.27" l x 5.39" w x 1.22"
Series: N/A

James Bradley introduces us to the prominent Americans--including FDR's grandfather, Warren Delano--who in the 1800s made their fortunes in the China opium trade. Meanwhile, American missionaries sought a myth: noble Chinese peasants eager to Westernize.

The media propagated this mirage, and FDR believed that supporting Chiang Kai-shek would make China America's best friend in Asia. But Chiang was on his way out and when Mao Zedong instead came to power, Americans were shocked, wondering how we had "lost China."

From the 1850s to the origins of the Vietnam War, Bradley reveals how American misconceptions about China have distorted our policies and led to the avoidable deaths of millions. The China Mirage dynamically explores the troubled history that still defines U.S.-Chinese relations today.

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