The Stingray Shuffle

Binding: Pocket Books
List Price: $11.99
Our Price: $2.93 CAD
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ISBN: 9780060556938
Publisher: Harper Collins
Language: English
Page Count: 380
Publication Date: 1/1/2004
Size: 6.73" l x 4.16" w x 1.21"
Series: N/A

Category Subject
Fiction Mystery & Detective
Serge is back! Yes, that encyclopedic history buff with boundless energy (but suspect impulse control) returns in his latest quest to make everyone appreciate all things Florida and still have time left for his one-man crime wave. In this brand-new saga, The Stingray Shuffle, Serge takes on all comers: the Russian mob, the Jamaican mob, the cocaine cartels, and spoiled frat boys. But there must also be time for hobbies, and Serge's newest "interest" is trains: how they developed Florida, where the old historic cars are on display, when to book a trip on Amtrak and share his enthusiasm with the other passengers.

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